Fly to the Boardroom

Your Essential Guide to Getting on a Board
by Stacey Daniel

Journey to the Boardroom and learn what you need to know about Boards and how to get on one.

What readers are saying…

Reading this book made me seriously consider what’s important to me and how I want to make a difference in the world. This book was instrumental in me making changes and applying myself to take serious steps to not only find the right Board, but to find the best way to achieve my vision and deliver a worthwhile legacy.’


The Fly to the Boardroom book and online course has been an eye-opener for me and a huge inspiration for me to follow my dream. I know now that my success in getting on a Board is linked to the value I can bring and yearn to bring to make a difference to companies and NFPs. Thank you, Stacey, for sharing your story and for your time in order to show the way, a way that many of us did not know existed prior to this course or reading this book.


This book would have been of great help to me prior to joining my first board, so long ago now.


This is the best possible book anyone could ever purchase on the topic of getting on a board.


This book happened to crop up at the right time when I had questions on my mind about pursuing board roles and what to expect from typical board roles. The book answered all my questions and provided valuable insight on the skills required for a board position


If you are contemplating board involvement, then look no further than this fantastic and practical how-to by Stacey Daniel.


What a refreshingly clear and practical approach!


Very much enjoying this read. Two chapters in and I’m hooked!


As an aspiring Board member, I have found Stacey’s book ‘Fly To The Boardroom’ to be a highly practical and helpful resource. Since reading the book I have been approached by two organisations asking me to nominate for their Management Committee. Thanks to Stacey’s advice, I knew what questions to ask, what to look for, and how to compare these opportunities with my personal goals and reasons for joining a board. Stacey’s writing style is warm and conversational, with advice that leaves you feeling inspired and ready to achieve your goals. I highly recommend this book to anyone starting out on their Board journey’


This is a great book at de-mystifying Boards: the different types of Boards that exist in the for-profit, not-for-profit and statutory sectors; the various roles that Board members play; and what skills, experience and perspectives can be of value as a prospective Board member. Don’t be put off by the idea of Boards being some magical entities – if you’re keen, there’s probably a Board for you somewhere! The book is entertaining and very easy to read’


What’s it about

Want to get on a board, make high level decisions and ultimately a difference in the world? Imagine influencing strategic directions, policies, plans and outcomes. Being on a board is one of the most rewarding things you can do!

Fly to the Boardroom will inspire, educate and empower anyone interested in boards. A perfect read for any aspiring, new or even experienced directors. This book provides what you need to know about boards and helps you navigate your way to the boardroom.

Stacey Daniel shares enriching information as well as insights from her own experience as a non-executive director. She demystifies the world of boards for you in order to build your knowledge, skills and confidence.

You will travel an exciting and transformational journey on your way to the boardroom. No longer daunting and no longer a dream, but a goal you can achieve much sooner than you think.

Enjoy your flying trip to the boardroom!

How to order

Copies of Fly to the Boardroom are now available in Paperback and eBook formats.
